Widowhail Crude Bow

widowhail crude bow weapon path of exile 2 wiki guide 200px min

Unique Bow

Physical Damage6-9
Critical Hit Chance: 5%
Attacks per Second: 1.2


Grants Skill:  

(150-250)% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Quiver

"I loosed a volley of arrows into the heart of the manwho slew my beloved. There was no satisfaction, no healing, no revenge. There was only... emptiness."

Widowhail Crude Bow is a Unique Bow and a Unique Weapon in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Widowhail Crude Bow is a bow that dramatically enhances bonuses from an equipped quiver for versatile archery builds. Unique Weapons offer fixed modifiers and powerful abilities that enhance offensive capabilities or enable unique attack and spell mechanics, making them the ultimate equipment with high stat values and one-of-a-kind effects, unlike Magic and Rare gear that rely on randomized affixes.


"I loosed a volley of arrows into the heart of the manwho slew my beloved. There was no satisfaction, no healing, no revenge. There was only... emptiness."


Path of Exile 2 Widowhail Crude Bow Stats & Modifiers

Widowhail Crude Bow has the following Stats:

Physical Damage:: 6-9
Critical Hit Chance: 5%
Attacks per Second: 1.2

Widowhail Crude Bow features the following Modifiers:

(150-250)% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Quiver


PoE 2 Widowhail Crude Bow Requirements

To equip Widowhail Crude Bow players must meet the following requirements:



How to get Widowhail Crude Bow in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

  • Widowhail Crude Bow can be obtained by farming Bosses and rare monsters with unique modifiers. These enemy types have a higher chance of dropping uniques.


Path of Exile 2 Widowhail Crude Bow Notes and Tips for 

  • Other Notes & Tips for PoE 2 Widowhail Crude Bow go here.


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