Viper Napuatzi

viper napuatzi boss path of exile 2 wiki guide (1) min
Location Utzaal

Viper Napuatzi is a Boss in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). It is a fearsome boss encased in golden armor and wearing a large bone helm. During the fight, she is supported by an army of spearmen who encircle the arena with shields and spears. Bosses in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) are noteworthy enemies that can be defeated to complete quests, progress through the game, and acquire special equipment. However, some Bosses are unrelated to the main campaign and are considered optional bosses that can be found as a side activity, roaming the world, or as ways to target-farm Unique Items.


Path of Exile 2 Viper Napuatzi Boss Information

  • Optional Boss: Yes/No
  • Weak Against: N/A
  • Strong Against: Fire, Cold, Lightning
  • Resistant to: Fire, Cold, Lightning


Where to Find Viper Napuatzi Boss in Path of Exile 2

  • Viper Napuatzi is a boss encountered at Utzaal in Act 3.


POE 2 Viper Napuatzi Boss Drops & Reward

  • Rewards go here.


Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Viper Napuatzi Boss Guide

Viper Napuatzi Fight Strategy

Viper Napuatzi is a dangerous boss covered in golden armor and wearing a large bone helm. She fights alongside a group of spearmen who surround the arena, making the battle even more challenging. The fight has two main parts: the Armed Phase, where she uses her spear, and the Unarmed Phase, where she relies on her soldiers and magic.

During the Armed Phase, Viper wields a spear charged with poison and lightning. She uses a Poison Spear Lunge, where she thrusts her glowing green spear forward. To avoid this, wait for her to move the spear and then dodge to the side. Another attack is the Lightning Spear Shot, where she throws a purple lightning spear that splits into smaller bolts and flies back to her. Dodge to the side to avoid both the bolts and the returning spear. Viper can also perform a Rapid Spear Combo, swinging her spear quickly before ending with a strong slam. Stay back during the combo and be ready to dodge the final smash. Lastly, she uses Poison Pool Stab, slamming her spear into the ground and creating a pool of poison. Move away from the area quickly to avoid damage. This attack marks the start of her next phase.

In the Unarmed Phase, Viper drops her spear and uses her soldiers and magical attacks. The spearmen around the arena will use Spear Wall Barrage, thrusting their spears in quick succession. Dodge in a steady rhythm or move unpredictably to avoid them. Viper also calls down Meteor Shower, summoning red and purple meteors that land randomly in the arena. Watch for glowing spots on the ground and move to safety. Another attack is the Poison Slam, where she jumps into the air and crashes down, creating a poisonous shockwave. Dodge-roll away as soon as she leaps to stay safe.

To win this fight, stay alert and keep moving to avoid both Viper's attacks and the spearmen's strikes. In her Armed Phase, focus on dodging her spear attacks and looking for openings to deal damage. During her Unarmed Phase, stay mobile to avoid the meteors and keep an eye on her jumps. Be patient and strike when she is recovering from her bigger attacks. With careful movement and precise dodging, you can defeat Viper Napuatzi and her army.


Viper Napuatzi Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Poison Spear Lunge Viper charges her glowing green spear and lunges forward in a delayed thrust. Wait for her spear to begin moving forward, then dodge to the side to avoid the attack. Timing is key to evade the delayed strike.
Lightning Spear Shot She hurls a spear charged with purple lightning, splitting it into smaller bolts that spread out and eventually return to her. Dodge sideways to avoid the initial bolts and remain alert for the returning projectiles.
Rapid Spear Combo Viper unleashes a flurry of spear swings, ending with a leaping smash. Keep your distance during the combo and be ready to dodge the powerful final slam.
Poison Pool Stab Viper slams her spear into the ground, creating a lingering pool of poison. Quickly move out of the affected area to avoid damage. This attack signals the start of her Unarmed Phase.
Spear Wall Barrage The surrounding spearmen thrust their spears in a rapid sequence. Dodge in a steady rhythm or move unpredictably to avoid being hit.
Meteor Shower Viper summons chaotic red and purple meteors that rain across the arena, targeting random areas. Look for glowing markers on the ground and quickly move to the safe spots before the meteors land.
Poison Slam Viper leaps into the air and crashes down, creating a shockwave that spreads poison across the arena. As soon as she jumps, roll away to avoid both the impact and the spreading poison.

Viper Napuatzi Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

  • Voice Actor: ??
  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here



  • To be Added
During Fight:
  • To be Added
After Fight:
  • To be Added


Viper Napuatzi Image Gallery

[screenshots and artwork go here]


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