upheaval support gem poe2 wiki guide 64px



Tier: 3



Support Requirements: +5 Str

Supports Melee Attacks which create fissures in the ground, causing them to create additional fissures at the cost of damage and attack speed.

Supported Skills create 2 Additional Fissures
Supported Skills have 20% less Attack Speed
Supported Skills deal 40% less Damage

Upheaval is a Support Gem in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Support Gems can be placed into the Support Gem Socket, and used to further tune the effects of Skill Gems.


Information for Upheaval in Path of Exile 2

  • Type: Support
  • Tier: 3
  • Tags: AttackMelee
  • Support Requirements: +5 Str


Path of Exile 2 Upheaval Effects

Upheaval provides the following effects:

Supported Skills create 2 Additional Fissures
Supported Skills have 20% less Attack Speed
Supported Skills deal 40% less Damage


Upheaval Supported Skill Gems in PoE 2

Upheaval can be used to support the following Skill Gems:

Tier 1

Tier 7

Tier 9


How to get Upheaval in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

  • Upheaval can be crafted by engraving the support skill to a Tier 3 Uncut Support Skill Gem.
  • This support gem requires +5 Strength to add it to the supported Skill Gem socket.


Path of Exile 2 Upheaval Notes and Tips

  • Other Notes & Tips for PoE 2 Upheaval go here.



Path of Exile 2 All Support Gems
Ablation  ♦  Acceleration  ♦  Added Chaos Damage  ♦  Added Cold Damage  ♦  Added Fire Damage  ♦  Added Lightning Damage  ♦  Additional Accuracy  ♦  Aftershock  ♦  Ambush  ♦  Ammo Conservation  ♦  Ancestral Urgency  ♦  Arcane Surge  ♦  Arcane Tempo  ♦  Area of Effect  ♦  Armour Explosion  ♦  Astral Projection  ♦  Auto Reload  ♦  Behead  ♦  Bidding  ♦  Biting Cold  ♦  Biting Frost  ♦  Bleed Chance  ♦  Blind  ♦  Bloodlust  ♦  Bludgeon  ♦  Break Endurance  ♦  Break Posture  ♦  Brutality  ♦  Bullseye  ♦  Burning Inscription  ♦  Bursting Plague  ♦  Cannibalism  ♦  Capacitor  ♦  Chain  ♦  Chaos Infusion  ♦  Chaos Mastery  ♦  Chaotic Freeze  ♦  Clarity  ♦  Close Combat  ♦  Cold Exposure  ♦  Cold Infusion  ♦  Cold Mastery  ♦  Cold Penetration  ♦  Combo Finisher  ♦  Comorbidity  ♦  Concentrated Effect  ♦  Conduction  ♦  Considered Casting  ♦  Controlled Destruction  ♦  Corpse Conservation  ♦  Corrosion  ♦  Corrupting Cry  ♦  Coursing Current  ♦  Crescendo  ♦  Critical Damage  ♦  Culling Strike  ♦  Culmination  ♦  Cursed Ground  ♦  Danse Macabre  ♦  Dazing  ♦  Dazing Cry  ♦  Deadly Poison  ♦  Decaying Hex  ♦  Deceleration  ♦  Deep Cuts  ♦  Deep Freeze  ♦  Demolisher  ♦  Despoiler  ♦  Devastate  ♦  Discombobulate  ♦  Double Barrel  ♦  Drain Ailments  ♦  Electrocute  ♦  Elemental Army  ♦  Elemental Discharge  ♦  Elemental Focus  ♦  Empowered Cull  ♦  Empowered Damage  ♦  Encumbrance  ♦  Enduring Life  ♦  Enduring Mana  ♦  Enduring Stuns  ♦  Energy Barrier  ♦  Energy Retention  ♦  Enervation  ♦  Enraged Warcry  ♦  Envenom  ♦  Essence Harvest  ♦  Eternal Flame  ♦  Excise  ♦  Execrate  ♦  Execute  ♦  Expanse  ♦  Exploit Weakness  ♦  Extended Combo  ♦  Extraction  ♦  Far Reach  ♦  Fast Forward  ♦  Faster Attacks  ♦  Faster Casting  ♦  Faster Projectiles  ♦  Feeding Frenzy  ♦  Ferocity  ♦  Fiery Death  ♦  Fire Exposure  ♦  Fire Infusion  ♦  Fire Mastery  ♦  Fire Penetration  ♦  Fist of War  ♦  Focused Curse  ♦  Font of Blood  ♦  Font of Mana  ♦  Font of Rage  ♦  Fork  ♦  Fortress  ♦  Fragility  ♦  Fresh Clip  ♦  Frost Nexus  ♦  Frostfire  ♦  Frozen Vortex  ♦  Glaciation  ♦  Glacier  ♦  Ground Effect Duration  ♦  Heavy Swing  ♦  Heft  ♦  Heightened Curse  ♦  Herbalism  ♦  Hex Bloom  ♦  Hinder  ♦  Holy Descent  ♦  Hourglass  ♦  Ice Bite  ♦  Icicle  ♦  Ignite Proliferation  ♦  Ignition  ♦  Immolate  ♦  Impact Shockwave  ♦  Impending Doom  ♦  Impetus  ♦  Increase Limit  ♦  Increased Armour Break  ♦  Inevitable Critical  ♦  Infernal Legion  ♦  Ingenuity  ♦  Innervate  ♦  Inspiration  ♦  Intense Agony  ♦  Invocation  ♦  Iron Grip  ♦  Ironwood  ♦  Jagged Ground  ♦  Knockback  ♦  Lacerate  ♦  Last Gasp  ♦  Lasting Shock  ♦  Less Duration  ♦  Leverage  ♦  Life Bounty  ♦  Life Drain  ♦  Life Leech  ♦  Life Thief  ♦  Lifetap  ♦  Lightning Exposure  ♦  Lightning Infusion  ♦  Lightning Mastery  ♦  Lightning Penetration  ♦  Lockdown  ♦  Long Fuse  ♦  Longshot  ♦  Magnified Effect  ♦  Maim  ♦  Mana Bounty  ♦  Mana Flare  ♦  Mana Leech  ♦  Martial Tempo  ♦  Meat Shield  ♦  Melee Physical Damage  ♦  Minion Instability  ♦  Minion Mastery  ♦  Minion Pact  ♦  Mobility  ♦  Momentum  ♦  More Duration  ♦  Multiple Charge  ♦  Multiple Poison  ♦  Multiple Projectiles  ♦  Multiple Trap  ♦  Murderous Intent  ♦  Neural Overload  ♦  Nimble Reload  ♦  Overabundance  ♦  Overcharge  ♦  Overpower  ♦  Payload  ♦  Perpetual Charge  ♦  Persistence  ♦  Physical Mastery  ♦  Pierce  ♦  Pin  ♦  Poison Chance  ♦  Potential  ♦  Practiced Combo  ♦  Precision  ♦  Premeditation  ♦  Primal Armament  ♦  Profusion  ♦  Pulverise  ♦  Rage  ♦  Rageforged  ♦  Raging Cry  ♦  Ranged Combat  ♦  Reduced Cooldown  ♦  Ricochet  ♦  Rising Tempest  ♦  Ritualistic Curse  ♦  Rupture  ♦  Ruthless  ♦  Scattershot  ♦  Searing Flame  ♦  Second Wind  ♦  Shock Siphon  ♦  Slower Projectiles  ♦  Soul Drain  ♦  Soul Thief  ♦  Spell Cascade  ♦  Spell Echo  ♦  Splinter  ♦  Stomping Ground  ♦  Stormfire  ♦  Strip Away  ♦  Supercritical  ♦  Swift Affliction  ♦  Tempestuous Tempo  ♦  Tremors  ♦  Unbreakable  ♦  Unleash  ♦  Vitality  ♦  Weapon Elemental Damage  ♦  Wildfire  ♦  Wildshards  ♦  Wind Wave  ♦  Window of Opportunity  ♦  Withering Touch

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