mana tempest skills poe2 wiki guide

Mana Tempest


Buff, Lightning

Level: 9
Cost: 1% Mana per second
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Cast Time: 0.60 sec

Requires: Level 31, 72 Int

Creates a storm of arcane energies that Empowers your Mana-costing Spells while you remain inside it. Maintaining the storm constantly drains your Mann, and each Spell you cast causes it to drain faster. The storm will dissipate when you exit it or run out of Mana.

Empowered Spells gain 56% of damage as Lightning Damage
Buff causes Beams from Lightning Spells that cost Mana to also chain to +2 targets when Chaining, but not chain further from those targets
Projectiles from Empoweered Lightning Seplls fork 30% of Mana spent while in the storm is added to this skill's Mana cost per second

Additional Effects From Quality:

Effects of Mana Tempest linger for (0.0-1.0) seconds after leaving the Tempest.

Mana Tempest is a Skill in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)Mana Tempest can be used by finding its Skill Gem, and equipping it in one of the 9 Skill Slots. Active Skill Gems can be further tuned by using Support Gems in the 5 Support Gem Sockets.


Path of Exile 2 Mana Tempest Effects

Mana Tempest provides the following effects:

  • Empowered Spells gain 56% of damage as Lightning Damage
  • Buff causes Beams from Lightning Spells that cost Mana to also chain to +2 targets when Chaining, but not chain further from those targets
  • Projectiles from Empoweered Lightning Seplls fork 30% of Mana spent while in the storm is added to this skill's Mana cost per second


  • Effects of Mana Tempest linger for 0.0(0.0-1.0) seconds after leaving the Tempest.


Mana Tempest related Support Gems in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Mana Tempest is related with the following Support Gems:

Tier 1

Tier 2

  • --

Tier 3


Mana Tempest Leveling Progression Table in Path of Exile 2 (POE 2)

Required LvL
Empowered Lightning Damage
Additional chain target


How to get Mana Tempest in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

  • Mana Tempest can be crafted by engraving it to an Uncut Spirit Gem Level 9.
  • To use this skill gem, it requires Character Level 31, with at least 72 Intelligence.


Path of Exile 2 Mana Tempest Notes and Tips

  • Other Notes & Tips for PoE 2 Mana Tempest go here.


Path of Exile 2 All Skill Gems
Ancestral Spirits  ♦  Ancestral Warrior Totem  ♦  Arc  ♦  Armour Breaker  ♦  Armour Piercing Rounds  ♦  Artillery Ballista  ♦  Ball Lightning  ♦  Barrage  ♦  Blazing Lance  ♦  Bleeding Concoction (Attack)  ♦  Bone Blast  ♦  Bone Cage  ♦  Bone Offering  ♦  Boneshatter  ♦  Bonestorm  ♦  Bow Shot  ♦  Cast on Block  ♦  Cast on Death  ♦  Cast on Melee Stun  ♦  Chaos Bolt  ♦  Charged Staff  ♦  Cluster Grenade  ♦  Cold Snap  ♦  Comet  ♦  Conductivity  ♦  Consecrate  ♦  Contagion  ♦  Crossbow Shot  ♦  Dark Effigy  ♦  Dark Pact  ♦  Decompose  ♦  Demon Form  ♦  Despair  ♦  Detonate Dead  ♦  Detonating Arrow  ♦  Discipline  ♦  Earthquake  ♦  Earthshatter  ♦  Electrocuting Arrow  ♦  Elemental Expression  ♦  Elemental Storm  ♦  Ember Fusillade  ♦  Emergency Reload  ♦  Encase in Jade  ♦  Enfeeble  ♦  Escape Shot  ♦  Essence Drain  ♦  Explosive Concoction (Attack)  ♦  Explosive Grenade  ♦  Explosive Shot  ♦  Exsanguinate  ♦  Eye of Winter  ♦  Falling Thunder  ♦  Ferocious Roar  ♦  Fireball  ♦  Firebolt  ♦  Firestorm  ♦  Flame Wall  ♦  Flameblast  ♦  Flammability  ♦  Flash Grenade  ♦  Flicker Strike  ♦  Fragmentation Rounds  ♦  Freezing Mark  ♦  Freezing Salvo  ♦  Freezing Shards  ♦  Frost Bomb  ♦  Frost Wall  ♦  Frostbolt  ♦  Frozen Locus  ♦  Fulminating Concoction (Attack)  ♦  Furious Slam  ♦  Galvanic Field  ♦  Galvanic Shards  ♦  Gas Arrow  ♦  Gas Grenade  ♦  Gathering Storm  ♦  Glacial Bolt  ♦  Glacial Cascade  ♦  Hailstorm Rounds  ♦  Hammer of the Gods  ♦  Hand of Chayula  ♦  Hexblast  ♦  High Velocity Rounds  ♦  Hypothermia  ♦  Ice Nova  ♦  Ice Shards  ♦  Ice Shot  ♦  Ice Spear  ♦  Ice Strike  ♦  Impale  ♦  Incendiary Shot  ♦  Incinerate  ♦  Infernal Cry  ♦  Into the Breach  ♦  Killing Palm  ♦  Leap Slam  ♦  Life Remnants  ♦  Lightning Arrow  ♦  Lightning Bolt  ♦  Lightning Conduit  ♦  Lightning Rod  ♦  Lightning Storm  ♦  Lightning Warp  ♦  Living Bomb  ♦  Mace Strike  ♦  Magnetic Salvo  ♦  Malice  ♦  Mana Drain  ♦  Mantra of Destruction  ♦  Maul  ♦  Meditate  ♦  Molten Blast  ♦  Oil Grenade  ♦  Orb of Storms  ♦  Pain Offering  ♦  Perfect Strike  ♦  Permafrost Bolts  ♦  Plasma Blast  ♦  Poisonburst Arrow  ♦  Poisonous Concoction (Attack)  ♦  Power Offering  ♦  Power Siphon  ♦  Profane Ritual  ♦  Punch  ♦  Puncture  ♦  Purity of Fire  ♦  Purity of Ice  ♦  Purity of Lightning  ♦  Quarterstaff Strike  ♦  Rain of Arrows  ♦  Raise Shield  ♦  Raise Zombie  ♦  Rapid Assault  ♦  Rapid Shot  ♦  Reap  ♦  Resonating Shield  ♦  Ripwire Ballista  ♦  Rolling Magma  ♦  Rolling Slam  ♦  Sandstorm Swipe  ♦  Seismic Cry  ♦  Shattering Concoction (Attack)  ♦  Shattering Palm  ♦  Shield Charge  ♦  Shield Wall  ♦  Shock Nova  ♦  Shockburst Rounds  ♦  Shockchain Arrow  ♦  Shockwave Totem  ♦  Siege Cascade  ♦  Sigil of Power  ♦  Siphoning Strike  ♦  Skeletal Arsonist  ♦  Skeletal Brute  ♦  Skeletal Cleric  ♦  Skeletal Frost Mage  ♦  Skeletal Reaver  ♦  Skeletal Sniper  ♦  Skeletal Storm Mage  ♦  Skeletal Warrior  ♦  Snipe  ♦  Sniper's Mark  ♦  Solar Orb  ♦  Sorcery Ward  ♦  Soul Offering  ♦  Soulrend  ♦  Spark  ♦  Spearfield  ♦  Spiral Volley  ♦  Staggering Palm  ♦  Stampede  ♦  Storm Spear  ♦  Storm Wave  ♦  Stormblast Bolts  ♦  Stormcaller Arrow  ♦  Summon Infernal Hound  ♦  Summon Wolf  ♦  Sunder  ♦  Supercharged Slam  ♦  Tempest Bell  ♦  Tempest Flurry  ♦  Temporal Chains  ♦  Temporal Rift  ♦  Time Freeze  ♦  Time Snap  ♦  Tornado Shot  ♦  Toxic Growth  ♦  Unbound Avatar  ♦  Unearth  ♦  Vaulting Impact  ♦  Vine Arrow  ♦  Volatile Dead  ♦  Volcanic Fissure  ♦  Voltaic Grenade  ♦  Voltaic Mark  ♦  Vulnerability  ♦  Wave of Frost  ♦  Whirling Assault  ♦  Whirling Slash  ♦  Wind Blast  ♦  Wither

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    • Anonymous

      There seems to be a bug where the linger effect given with gem quality is not taking effect. I tested it just now with one normal gem and one at 20% quality. There is no difference at all. This is reported by several other people in the POE forums :D

      • Anonymous

        does more than the description says. Also makes your character float while in the storm and changes dodge animation.

        Also makes chaining stuff like arc chain WAY FASTER, like poe1 fast.

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