Jungle Ruins


The bountiful fields of the city of Utzaal are now nothing but tangled jungle.

Jungle Ruins is a Location in Path of Exile 2 (POE 2). Jungle Ruins is a location in Act 3 that can be accessed via Ziggurat Encampment. In Path of Exile 2, the locations spans multiple vast and interconnected regions and dungeons each featuring unique enemies, items, and challenges.


Path of Exile 2 Jungle Ruins Map

[overall map goes here]


POE 2 All NPCs and Merchants in Jungle Ruins

  • TBA


Related Quests for Jungle Ruins Location in Path of Exile 2


Path of Exile 2 Jungle Ruins Creatures, Enemies, and Bosses

Regular Creatures and Enemies

  • Alpha Primate
  • Feral Primate
  • Bane Sapling
  • Antlion Charger
  • Quadrilla
  • Snakethroat Shambler
  • Constricted Shambler
  • Constricted Spitter


Field Bosses and Bosses


Path of Exile 2 Jungle Ruins Secrets

  • Defeating the Mighty Silverfist will grant you +2 Passive/ Weapon Swap Skill Points in Normal and in Cruel Mode.
  • Locate Gwendolyn Albright in the Troubled Camp, there is a chest nearby that contains Rare Gloves. Gwendolyn also sells Magic or Rare items that other Merchant do not.
  • Locate the Jungle Grave and summon Servi, she will let you choose a Rare Belt.


Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Jungle Ruins Gallery and Notes

[other images go here]



All Path of Exile 2 (POE 2) Locations
Aggorat  ♦  Apex of Filth  ♦  Ardura Caravan  ♦  Azak Bog  ♦  Black Chambers  ♦  Bone Pits  ♦  Buried Shrines  ♦  Cemetery of the Eternals  ♦  Chimeral Wetlands  ♦  Clearfell  ♦  Clearfell Encampment  ♦  Courtyard  ♦  Deshar  ♦  Dreadnought  ♦  Dreadnought Vanguard  ♦  Drowned City  ♦  Freythorn  ♦  Grelwood  ♦  Grim Tangle  ♦  Halani Gates  ♦  Heart of Keth  ♦  Hunting Grounds  ♦  Infested Barrens  ♦  Jiquani's Machinarium  ♦  Jiquani's Sanctum  ♦  Keth  ♦  Keth Sanctum  ♦  Lost City  ♦  Manor Ramparts  ♦  Mastodon Badlands  ♦  Matlan Waterways  ♦  Mausoleum of the Praetor  ♦  Mawdun Mine  ♦  Mawdun Quarry  ♦  Molten Vault  ♦  Mud Burrow  ♦  Ogham Farmlands  ♦  Ogham Manor  ♦  Ogham Village  ♦  Path of Mourning  ♦  Red Vale  ♦  Riverbank  ♦  Sandswept Marsh  ♦  Spires of Deshar  ♦  Temple of Chaos  ♦  Temple of Kopec  ♦  Titan Grotto  ♦  Tomb of the Consort  ♦  Traitor's Passage  ♦  Utzaal  ♦  Valley of the Titans  ♦  Vastiri Outskirts  ♦  Venom Crypts  ♦  Ziggurat Encampment

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