Iron Greaves

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Armour: (61-70)

Requires:  Level 11, 20 Str

Grants Skill: __skill__

10% increased Movement Speed
(30–50)% increased Armour
+(5–10) to Strength
Trigger Decompose Skill on Step

Natural decay can be twisted to dark ends.

Corpsewade Iron Greaves are Unique Boots in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Unique Armor Pieces are the ultimate defensive equipment a player can find, as they contain unique benefits such as high stat values and unique effects. Corpsewade Iron Greaves  triggers Decompose Skill on Step, greatly increases Armour. 


Natural decay can be twisted to dark ends.


Path of Exile 2 Corpsewade Iron Greaves Stats & Modifiers

Corpsewade Iron Greaves have the following Stats:

Armour: (61-70)

Corpsewade Iron Greaves feature the following Modifiers:

10% increased Movement Speed
(30–50)% increased Armour
+(5–10) to Strength
Trigger Decompose Skill on Step


PoE 2 Corpsewade Iron Greaves Requirements

To equip Corpsewade Iron Greaves players must meet the following requirements:

  • Level: 11
  • Stats: 20 Str


How to get Corpsewade Iron Greaves in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

  • Corpsewade Iron Greaves can be obtained by farming Bosses and rare monsters with unique modifiers. These enemy types have a higher chance of dropping uniques.


Path of Exile 2 Corpsewade Iron Greaves Notes and Tips

  • Other Notes & Tips for PoE 2 Corpsewade Iron Greaves go here.



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